Underground conduit system inspection request form

You can schedule an underground conduit system inspection for your project by completing the online form below. After you submit the form, a civil inspector will contact you within three business days and arrange for the inspection. 

Additional requirements

For details about how to meet our requirements, builders and contractors should reference the Service and metering guide (CRL 1618).

If you will be excavating, trenching or installing electrical conduits, also see the Specification for installation of underground conduit systems (CRL 1669).

If you have difficulty filling out this form, please call us at 1-866-436-7847, Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Electrical Inspection Scheduler

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    1. Trenching – After ducts are installed, prior to backfill or concrete capping
      • Inspection will include
        1. Proper Alignment of Trench and Pads within designed Rights of Ways
        2. Proper horizontal spacing between utility ducts
        3. Proper trench depth
        4. Proper Sanding Bed
        5. Complete backfill and compaction
        6. Warning Tape
        7. Concrete encase all horizontal bends
        8. Primary ducts are on the primary side of the transformer pad
        9. Secondary ducts are on the secondary side of the transformer pad


    2. Structure Grounding – After ground rods and counter poise connections have been made, prior to backfill
      • Inspection will include
        1. Ground grids/rods installed as per FortisBC structure standards
        2. Grounding wire is inside box


    3. Duct Work
      • Inspection will include


        1. Proper Amount of Ducts and correct duct sizes installed
        2. Pull rope installed, bell ends and grouting complete on all duct ends
        3. Ducts are in good shape
        4. Duct at proper depth
        5. Ducts not too high or too low relative to drain rock
        6. Concrete encase all bends, including into transformer pads and secondary boxes


    4. Final Grades of FortisBC Equipment – Upon completion of the curb installation or boulevard grading and road paving
      • Inspection will include


        1. Top of Junction Boxes are at the proper elevation, per appendix B.
        2. Lids are not damaged
        3. Concrete box is in good shape
        4. Drain holes are opened and have drain rock underneath
        5. Drain rock in place within open bottom structures
        6. Eye bolts on ends are turned so eye (not nut) is inside the box (2 at each end)
        7. Grounding wire is inside box
        8. Street light base is in good shape
        9. Street light bolts are straight and have nuts
        10. Trench is properly backfilled (including behind street light bases)


    5. Completion – After conduit system and structures have been installed and is ready for electrical construction
      • Inspection will include


    1. Pull rope and bell ends on all ducts
    2. Boxes to be swept or vacuumed out prior to electrical installation or deficiency resolution
    3. Correct and Signed off As Build’s