Benefits and technology
Advanced meters transmit data wirelessly, through a private network. Here are answers to some of your most frequently asked questions about the benefits of this technology and how it works.
How do the new meters work?
The meters use ultrasonic technology (sound waves) to measure gas use, then send this information through a private wireless, low-bandwidth network. That means we’ll no longer need to read most individual meters manually.
What are the benefits of advanced gas meters?
Once advanced meters are installed and connected to FortisBC’s private wireless network, the meters will offer many benefits in the future, including:
- Customers will be able to access more timely and useful data on their gas use.
- We’ll no longer need to come onto customers’ properties to manually read the gas meter, in most cases.
- Safety enhancements include the ability to remotely shut off gas, if necessary, in the event we’re made aware of an emergency, such as a gas leak, flood, wildfire or earthquake.
- Gas AMI Project benefit: During advanced meter installation, we’ll install a bypass valve where possible. That means we’ll no longer need to shut off gas service in most cases during future meter work, helping to reduce inconvenience to customers.
We’re here to help
Want to know more about the Gas AMI Project? Call 1-888-224-2710 or email [email protected].