Project details and installation
We’re upgrading our gas customers’ meters to advanced meters to modernize our gas infrastructure. The new meters will help us to monitor and manage our system using a wireless network. Here are answers to some of your most frequently asked questions about the project and what to expect during the installation process.
What is the Gas Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project?
The Gas AMI Project is underway to upgrade FortisBC’s approximately 1.1 million gas meters throughout British Columbia to wireless advanced meters or retrofit existing meters with the ability to communicate wirelessly. This update to the gas system modernizes our metering infrastructure. It will also allow for an enhanced customer experience, such as more timely and useful information about customers’ energy consumption, as well as safety benefits.
The project was approved by our regulator, the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) on May 15, 2023. We filed our project application with the BCUC in early May 2021. The process is documented on the BCUC’s website.
When will my meter be exchanged?
We anticipate exchanging or retrofitting nearly all residential and commercial gas meters by 2028. A small number of customers have already had their meters exchanged with an advanced meter. Meter installations at customers’ homes started in 2023. These exchanges were done as part of our regular operation (e.g. Measurement Canada testing). We’ll attempt to notify you before the exchange at your address and before exchanges begin in your community. You have the option to request an appointment for your meter exchange when we’re in your community.
How do I set an appointment for a meter exchange?
Most customers won’t need an appointment for the meter exchange during warmer months. In the winter, we’ll book appointments for the meter exchange to limit interruption to home heating. You can request an appointment by getting in touch with our contact centre at 1-888-224-2710 from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. We’ll generally book appointments for customers when meter exchanges are planned for their community.
What do I need to do before the meter exchange?
We ask that you ensure there is a clear pathway to the gas meter by removing any shrubs, debris, parked vehicles or stored items that may be blocking access. Maintaining a clear space around gas meters will help ensure the safety of our crews and your home.
- If there is a fence, locked gate or other obstruction that might inhibit access to the gas meter, we kindly request that customers call our contact centre to provide the necessary information to allow continued access to the meter by authorized FortisBC personnel. FortisBC customer service representatives can be reached at 1-888-224-2710 from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- We also require clear, uncluttered access to any gas appliances in homes where relights are required.
Get more information about meter safety.
Will FortisBC shut off my gas service to exchange the meter?
In many cases, we will need to shut off gas service to safely complete the meter exchange. In some cases where gas meters have a bypass valve installed, we can exchange the meter without gas service disruption. Where possible, we will install a bypass valve during the meter exchange, which means we won’t need to shut off gas service at that customer’s address in most cases in the future to complete meter work.
How long will it take to install the new meter?
It will take approximately one hour to install the new meter and, if needed, relight gas appliances.
What if I’m not present during the installation?
Most customers do not need an appointment to have their meter exchanged. All customers do need to ensure a clear path, and clear access to the gas meter. If customers are present during the exchange, we will relight gas appliances right away once the meter exchange is complete. If customers are not there, we will leave information about who to contact to have them relit in a timely manner.
Will I have to pay for the installation of the new meter?
There are no separate charges to customers for the meter or its installation, with the exception of the radio-off option.
Who will install the meters?
The work will be completed by FortisBC employees and approved contractors.
Can I opt out of receiving an advanced gas meter?
No, there is no option to opt out. In order to realize the benefits associated with advanced gas meters, we’re upgrading all of our customers’ meters. While we encourage everyone to take advantage of the benefits an advanced meter offers, such as timely gas consumption updates, safety features and customer service enhancements, there will be a radio-off option available. Most customers will be able to make this request if they choose. Our commercial and industrial customers are not eligible for the radio-off option.
What are the fees associated with selecting the radio-off option?
Customers who choose the radio-off option will be required to pay a one-time installation fee and ongoing monthly fees to cover the costs of manual meter reads. Learn more about the radio-off fees for advanced meters.
We’re here to help
Want to know more about the Gas AMI Project? Call 1-888-224-2710 or email [email protected].