Are you a manufacturer of an innovative technology?

We’re interested in working with companies to design pilot programs and help introduce new, innovative, energy-efficiency technologies to our customers across BC.  

Testing, testing: innovative technologies at FortisBC

Our innovative technologies team is interested in learning about new energy-efficiency technologies that may be suitable to offer to our customers in our rebate programs. Before that happens, we conduct pilot programs to help evaluate the energy-saving potential and customer acceptance of emerging technologies and products, which can result in greater public awareness and adoption. 

Showcase your energy-efficiency technology

We’d like to hear from innovators who make equipment or products that help save energy. If your technology is ready for wider market adoption, we can help you evaluate it in real-world conditions and help increase awareness among the 1.1 million customers we serve in BC.1

If you are a manufacturer who would like the chance to present your technology to FortisBC and potentially have a pilot program to evaluate and verify its energy savings, installation, maintenance, costs and customer acceptance, take the first step and complete a brief questionnaire about your technology.

Further steps in the process may include:

  • completing a prefeasibility study to identify technology details, market conditions and energy savings potential
  • designing and implementing a pilot program
  • designing and implementing a rebate program

In some cases, we may decide not to pursue a pilot program due to limited resources and interest from our program areas, but providing us with information about your technology will help us establish its priority for future programs. 


For more information about our pilot programs, email us at [email protected].

Complete the questionnaire

If you are a manufacturer or BC distributor, tell us about your energy-efficiency technology so we can assess if it’s a good fit for a pilot program.

1FortisBC is technology agnostic and we do not purchase products or services and or endorse one brand over another. The innovative technologies team’s focus is to support technology sectors and help promote and inform the market.