2009 Rate design

FortisBC appreciates the Indigenous, government and stakeholder feedback collected from May through August of this year for the FortisBC Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) study and Rate Design Application (RDA). The input will be considered, along with technical and financial information, as FortisBC prepares the final application for the BC Utilities Commission. The COSA and RDA filing with the British Columbia Utilities Commission has been extended from its original filing date of September 30, 2009 to October 30, 2009.

All utilities review cost of service and rate design periodically to make sure rates reflect the fair and equitable allocation of costs. A cost of service analysis determines the cost of providing electrical service by customer class and rate design evaluates various rate structures. Rate structures direct how customers are billed for their electricity use.

For more information please call (250) 469-8038 or email regulatory@fortisbc.com

On October 30, 2009 FortisBC filed its 2009 Rate Design Application


Information Request No. 1 Responses

Information Request No. 2 Responses

FortisBC 2009 Rate Design Application – Responses to Information Request No. 2 – Mar 2 10

FortisBC Final Argument


    November 19, 2010 Compliance Filing – COSA Update – DECISION

      December 17, 2010 Compliance Filing – DECISION