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Statement: City of Vancouver decision supporting energy choice

Jul 24, 2024

SURREY, B.C.—July 24, 2024: Statement from Joe Mazza, vice-president, energy supply and resource development at FortisBC:

Homes and businesses across Vancouver rely on the gas system to provide safe, reliable and affordable energy. The City of Vancouver amendment that was adopted to support the continued use of the gas system will ensure customers can continue to access low-carbon1 energy solutions, like Renewable Natural Gas2 (RNG). As a critical energy provider, FortisBC has an important role to play in supporting energy choice and shares the City’s vision of a lower-carbon, affordable and resilient energy future and we look forward to continuing this work.

1When compared to the lifecycle carbon intensity of conventional natural gas. The burner tip emission factor of FortisBC’s current Renewable Natural Gas (also called RNG or biomethane) portfolio is 0.27 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of energy (gCO2e /MJ). FortisBC’s current RNG portfolio lifecycle emissions for stationary combustion are -22 gCO2e /MJ. This is below B.C.’s low carbon threshold for lifecycle carbon intensity of 30.8 gCO2e/MJ as set out in the 2024 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Regulation amendments.

2Renewable Natural Gas (also called RNG or biomethane) is produced in a different manner than conventional natural gas. It is derived from biogas, which is produced from decomposing organic waste from landfills, agricultural waste and wastewater from treatment facilities. The biogas is captured and cleaned to create RNG. When RNG is added to North America’s natural gas system, it mixes with conventional natural gas. This means we’re unable to direct RNG to a specific customer. But the more RNG is added to the gas system, the less conventional natural gas is needed, thereby reducing the use of fossil fuels and overall greenhouse gas emissions.


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