Celebrating Siya with Westbank First Nation
FortisBC celebrates Siya with the Westbank First Nation.
June 19, 2019
A renewable focus for FortisBC
FortisBC is committed to acquiring new supply for Renewable Natural Gas, with the goal of helping the environment by supporting and advancing innovative renewable energy in BC.
June 13, 2019
Indigenous knowledge shared through partnership
FortisBC recently partnered with Beecher Bay First Nation, M’akola Housing Society and the Sooke Family Resource Society for an event centered around community building and drumming. Charla Huber, columnist with the Victoria Times Colonist and director of communications and Indigenous relations for M’akola Group of Societies, shares her memories of a very special day in the community.
May 31, 2019
Construction is underway: what you need to know
Bucket trucks, excavators and wood chippers are just a few the specialized equipment to keep an eye (and ear) out for in the coming months in urban centres, small towns and back country.
May 1, 2019
6 ways to help ensure your newly built home is comfortable and energy-efficient
No doubt you’ve lived, at some point, in a home with flimsy windows, no soundproofing or inadequate heating. No one likes to have to wear a coat inside or hear private conversations from the neighbours. When it comes to buying a newly built home, your comfort options have improved, and I’m not talking only about stainless or quartz.
April 12, 2019
Keeping up with new energy demand: cannabis and blockchain
When you think of greenhouse crops, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes probably come to mind. But we’re seeing a big boom in requests for new crops – cannabis and server farms.
March 7, 2019
Natural gas rates and your bill
Questions answered about your natural gas bill and the latest rates and charges, including the carbon tax.
March 1, 2019
How to better understand your winter electricity use
Meet Bob and Jen and follow them as they get the facts about winter energy use and find out how to avoid a higher than expected winter electricity bill.
January 30, 2019
Celebrating Siya with Westbank First Nation
FortisBC celebrates Siya with the Westbank First Nation.
June 19, 2019
A renewable focus for FortisBC
FortisBC is committed to acquiring new supply for Renewable Natural Gas, with the goal of helping the environment by supporting and advancing innovative renewable energy in BC.
June 13, 2019
Indigenous knowledge shared through partnership
FortisBC recently partnered with Beecher Bay First Nation, M’akola Housing Society and the Sooke Family Resource Society for an event centered around community building and drumming. Charla Huber, columnist with the Victoria Times Colonist and director of communications and Indigenous relations for M’akola Group of Societies, shares her memories of a very special day in the community.
May 31, 2019
Construction is underway: what you need to know
Bucket trucks, excavators and wood chippers are just a few the specialized equipment to keep an eye (and ear) out for in the coming months in urban centres, small towns and back country.
May 1, 2019
6 ways to help ensure your newly built home is comfortable and energy-efficient
No doubt you’ve lived, at some point, in a home with flimsy windows, no soundproofing or inadequate heating. No one likes to have to wear a coat inside or hear private conversations from the neighbours. When it comes to buying a newly built home, your comfort options have improved, and I’m not talking only about stainless or quartz.
April 12, 2019
Keeping up with new energy demand: cannabis and blockchain
When you think of greenhouse crops, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes probably come to mind. But we’re seeing a big boom in requests for new crops – cannabis and server farms.
March 7, 2019
Natural gas rates and your bill
Questions answered about your natural gas bill and the latest rates and charges, including the carbon tax.
March 1, 2019
How to better understand your winter electricity use
Meet Bob and Jen and follow them as they get the facts about winter energy use and find out how to avoid a higher than expected winter electricity bill.
January 30, 2019