Heat pump rebate – income qualified

Income-qualified customers who upgrade their primary electric space heating system, such as baseboards or an electric furnace, to an air source heat pump may be eligible for a $5,000 rebate on an eligible model. Heat pumps use less electricity than electric space heating systems and also provide air conditioning in the summer.

Providing income-qualified customers with enhanced rebates on high-efficiency upgrades is one of the ways we’re transforming BC’s energy future and helping customers reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


  1. You, the applicant, must be a residential FortisBC or municipal electricity customer of Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro with only one active residential electricity account, upgrading the heating system at your primary residence. The registered homeowner(s) to the primary residence must be listed on the active residential FortisBC account and own only one property in British Columbia.
  2. Your combined annual household income (from all sources) must be below the maximum shown for your household size. Proof of income is required.

    Household sizeMaximum household income
    1 person$48,900
    2 people$60,900
    3 people$74,800
    4 people$90,800
    5 people$103,000
    6 people$116,100
    7 people$129,300
  3. The heat pump must be replacing an existing hard-wired electric heating system such as electric baseboards, radiant ceiling, radiant floors or a forced-air furnace. Back-up space heating systems must also be electric. Emergency replacements of broken electrical systems are not eligible. Replacing an existing heat pump or adding a head to an existing one is not eligible.
  4. The home must be a year-round primary residence that is at least 10 years old, no larger than 3,500 square feet and be one of the following: single-family; duplex; triplex; row home; townhouse or manufactured/mobile home on a permanent foundation.
  5. The new heat pump must be sufficiently sized to function as the primary heating system for the home.
    • For ductless systems, one indoor unit (head) must serve a main living area of the premises, including a family room, living room or open-concept kitchen/living room.
  6. The heat pump must be also installed by a licensed heating and cooling contractor with a GST number and a valid BC business license. Note: as of July 1, 2022, all air source heat pump installations must be completed by a Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) member.* Search for an HPCN member in your area.
  7. Eligible heat pumps must be installed in accordance with the Heat Pump Best Practices Installation Guide for Existing Homes.

*Applicable to invoices dated on or after July 1, 2022.

Review all the terms and conditions.

Rebate details

Your contractor can help you identify the rebate-eligible model right for your home. In general, mini- or multi-split systems (also called “ductless” heat pumps) are good for homes with an existing electric heating system that does not use ducts, such as baseboards. Central heat pumps are for homes with a heating system with ducts, such as a furnace.


Air source heat pump - ductless mini-split heat pump

  • HSPF ≥ 10.00 or HSPF2 ≥ 8.5
  • SEER ≥ 16 or SEER2 ≥ 15.2
  • with variable speed compressor
  • minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 ton)
  • eligible homes must be 1,200 sq ft or less

Air source heat pump - ductless multi-split heat pump

Note: heat pumps with a maximum static pressure of less than 0.6” Water Column (WC) are considered mini- or multi-split systems.

  • HSPF ≥ 10.00 or HSPF2 ≥ 8.5
  • SEER ≥ 16 or SEER2 ≥ 15.2
  • with variable speed compressor
  • minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 ton)
  • must install a minimum of two indoor head units

Air source heat pump - central ducted heat pump (Tier 1)

  • minimum HSPF of 8.50
  • minimum SEER of 15

Air source heat pump - central ducted heat pump (Tier 2)

  • HSPF ≥ 10.00 or HSPF2 ≥ 8.5
  • SEER ≥ 16.00 or SEER2 ≥ 15.2
  • with variable speed compressor
  • minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 ton)
Two-upgrade bonus

Install an eligible heat pump and make an additional Home Renovation Rebate upgrade and you could qualify for our $350 two-upgrade bonus.

HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor
SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio

How to apply

  1. If you wish, request a pre-qualification code. This will help the contractor installing your system know if you're eligible for the Income Qualified Program.
  2. Review the terms and conditions.
  3. Apply online within one year of the invoice date along with the following information:
    • your FortisBC electricity account number or municipal electricity account number from Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro
    • your email
    • your proof of income
    • a scanned copy of your paid invoice showing the details of all work (see sample invoice) performed including:
      • purchase date
      • make and model number
      • installation permit number
      • the heating contractor’s Technical Safety BC licence number
      • AHRI reference number or copy of AHRI certificate
      • number of tons
      • indication that a variable speed compressor has been installed (required for mini-split, multi-split and central, tier 2)
  4. Note: the rebate application link takes you to Account login. Once you’ve registered and/or logged in you can start your rebate application.

    Start your rebate application

    For tips on using the online rebate application, read our how-to guide.

How do I show proof of income?

Submit a copy of one of the following for each member of your household over 18 years of age.

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA): submit a copy of your NOA from the Canada Revenue Agencyfor a current income tax return. Black out all information except for your name, effective date and income (line 15000 on NOA).
  • Social Assistance: submit your monthly cheque stub, or a printed copy of your Confirmation of Assistance if registered for My Self Serve.
  • Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER): submit either your SAFER cheque stub, acknowledgment letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • Rental Assistance Program: submit your Rental Assistance Program acknowledgment or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • National Child Benefit Supplement: submit your benefit notice from Canada Revenue Agency.
  • Other income: if applicable, provide documentation of foreign, rental and/or other income.
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS): submit your GIS notice.

How to get your Notice of Assessment

  • If you have your most current NOA, send us a copy with your application.
  • If you do not have your NOA, use Canada Revenue Agency’s My Account service to view and print a copy of your information.
  • You can also call them to request your NOA at 1-800-959-8281. Agents are available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Third-party offers and services

Ecolighten Energy Solutions and IOE Consulting

As we work to continuously improve our programs, we’ll be asking a small percentage of applicants to provide access to their home to verify the installation and operation of their new heat pump. This work is being carried out by two of our third-party contractors, Ecolighten Energy Solutions and IOE Consulting.

The site visit may be conducted either in-person or virtually using an app such as FaceTime or Google Hangouts. Staff will always call or email in advance to book a site visit appointment with you. Their staff also carry photo ID badges identifying them as FortisBC contractors.

We’re here to help

If you have questions about any of our income-qualified rebates, call 1-855-909-2331 or email [email protected].