Electricity planning and engagement
Engagement is vital to the Long-Term Electric Resource Plan (LTERP) process. Indigenous communities and interested parties provide valuable input into the LTERP and our role in meeting B.C.’s future energy needs.
Indigenous communities and interested parties engagement
In 2026, we’ll be submitting our next LTERP for review to the British Columbia Utilities Commission. This plan will include our long-term vision for securing safe, reliable and cost-effective electric resources to meet our customers’ energy needs. We’re developing the plan in consultation with Indigenous communities and interested parties on long-range planning issues. Engagement workshops with local and Indigenous communities throughout B.C. will offer opportunities for feedback on resource planning.
Long-term resource planning and related engagement is an ongoing process. Email us at [email protected] for information about future opportunities.
We carried out a number of activities from fall 2019 to spring 2021, offering Indigenous communities and interested parties the opportunity to participate in discussions to inform the LTERP.
We conducted the following sessions for the 2021 LTERP. Here is what was presented and discussed:
Date/Location | Presentation files | Workshop notes |
October 8, 2019 Kelowna | Natural gas and electric long term resource planning | Workshop notes |
October 9, 2019 Osoyoos | Natural gas and electric long term resource planning | Workshop notes |
October 10, 2019 Rossland | Natural gas and electric long term resource planning | Workshop notes |
December 2-3, 2020 Shared Services Territory | Natural gas and electric long term resource planning | Workshop notes |
February 4 and March 3, 2021 Shared Services Territory Indigenous Communities | Natural gas and electric long term resource planning | Workshop notes |
Resource Planning Advisory Group
The RPAG is a technical working group that engages members from government, customer associations, environmental organizations and others in developing the LTERP. This group of energy industry experts, government and other key interested parties regularly provide input on important energy issues during long-term resource planning.
We held an introductory event in July 2024 that included discussion of our Long-Term Gas Resource Plan, which is being developed at the same time as the LTERP. The LTERP has an RPAG session scheduled on December 11, 2024.
Date/Location | Presentation files | Workshop notes |
July 17, 2024 Virtual | Resource planning advisory group | Workshop notes |
We have conducted several RPAG workshops and meetings for the 2021 LTERP. Here is what has been presented and discussed:
Date/Location | Presentation files | Workshop notes |
November 26, 2019 Vancouver | Resource Planning Advisory Group Workshop | Workshop notes |
June 25, 2020 via Webex | Resource Planning Advisory Group meeting | Meeting notes |
November 25, 2020 via Teams | Resource Planning Advisory Group meeting | Meeting notes |
February 12, 2021 Virtual | Joint gas and electric advisory group presentation | Meeting notes |
June 15, 2021 (via Teams) | Resource Planning Advisory Group meeting | Meeting notes |
Terms of Reference
The current Terms of Reference for the electric advisory group governs the composition of, and interactions between, the advisory membership (including FortisBC). These Terms are periodically updated to enhance the group’s interactions and to reflect updates in the planning environment.
Questions or comments about the RPAG? Email us at [email protected]