We can help you save money and energy

If you or someone you know is a retiree on a limited pension, on income assistance or struggling to make ends meet, our Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP) can help you save money and energy while making your home more energy efficient, safe and comfortable. Better yet, it’s offered at no cost to income-qualified customers.

Are you income qualified?

If your total household income falls below these annual maximums (you’ll need to provide proof) you’re eligible to apply.

Number of people in householdMaximum household income1
2 $42,000
3 $51,600
4 $62,600
5 $71,000
6 $80,100
7 or more$89,200

Come to an open house in your community 

We’re holding open houses in various locations in the Okanagan, Boundary and Kootenay regions. Our community ambassadors will be on hand providing more information about programs for income-qualified customers, and they’ll also assist you in completing your application.

Registration is not required, but if you click on your chosen date below, you can get a Facebook event reminder on your feed.

What to bring

Please bring your electricity account number from FortisBC, BC Hydro or municipal utilities of Summerland, Penticton, Grand Forks or Nelson Hydro.

You must also provide proof of income (from all sources) for everyone in your household over the age of 18. You can do this with the following:

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA): bring a copy of your NOA from the Canada Revenue Agency for a current income tax return. If you don’t have one you can either:
    • use Canada Revenue Agency’s My Account service to view and print a copy of your information, or
    • call them to request your NOA at 1-800-959-8281. Agents are available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Social Assistance: bring a copy of your monthly cheque stub, or a printed copy of your Confirmation of Assistance if registered for My Self Serve.
  • Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER): bring either your SAFER cheque stub, acknowledgment letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • Rental Assistance Program: bring your Rental Assistance Program acknowledgment or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • National Child Benefit Supplement: bring your benefit notice from Canada Revenue Agency.
  • Other income: if applicable, please bring documentation of foreign, rental and/or other income.

What is the Energy Conservation Assistance Program?

Participants get a customized home energy evaluation and the installation of energy-saving products such as water-efficient fixtures, LED light bulbs and weatherstripping. Some homes may even qualify for insulation, an ENERGY STAR® fridge or a high-efficiency natural gas furnace or a furnace rebate.2 There is no cost to participate. 

Can’t make it to our open houses?

You can still apply online. And if you need help filling in the application or have questions, call our ECAP representative at 1-877-446-8855.

1Including rental and foreign income.
2Products installed depend on the individual characteristics of the home and other program criteria. Only FortisBC natural gas heated, FortisBC electrically heated or BC Hydro electrically heated single family homes, townhouses and duplexes are eligible for insulation upgrades. In addition, FortisBC natural gas heated homes must also meet consumption thresholds to qualify for insulation or furnace replacement. Other program criteria apply. Apartment units, mobile homes and homes with other heating fuel types are not eligible for insulation or furnaces. Offer subject to change.