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City of Nelson explores options for Nelson Hydro assets with FortisBC

Jul 5, 2021

NELSON, BC  ̶   July 5, 2021: The City of Nelson and FortisBC have entered into preliminary discussions to explore the potential sale of assets of the Nelson Hydro rural service areas to FortisBC.

Nelson City Council recently directed staff to explore all of its options with regard to Nelson Hydro assets in light of a shortfall in funding in the rural area.

No timeline has been established. At this stage discussions are non-binding and exploratory in nature only.



Media contact

Arlene Whiffin
Director, External Communications
[email protected]
P: 604-576-7367
24-hour media line: 1-855-322-6397

FortisBC Inc. is a regulated utility focused on providing safe and reliable electricity at the lowest reasonable cost. FortisBC Inc. employs approximately 560 British Columbians and serves approximately 182,012 direct and indirect customers in B.C.’s South Interior. FortisBC Inc. owns and operates four regulated hydroelectric generating plants, as well as approximately 7,335 kilometres of transmission and distribution power lines. FortisBC Inc. is a subsidiary of Fortis Inc., a leader in the North American regulated electric and gas utility industry. FortisBC Inc. uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. For further information on FortisBC, visit For further information on Fortis Inc., visit