Information Alert

Mail delays continue; our self-service options can help you check your account balance and pay your bills on time. You can also check your balance by clicking here for gas, and here for electricLearn more.

Contact us


Natural gas emergencies

Electricity emergencies or power outages

General inquiries and billing

Managing your account, paying bills, reading your meter and other service-related questions

Natural gas

Customer service hours
Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. PST


Customer service hours
Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST


Natural gas rebates

Electricity rebates

Business account contacts

Specialized contacts for your business no matter what size

Natural gas account managers

Looking to purchase or upgrade natural gas equipment? Our account managers can help you determine which equipment is ideal for your needs and which are eligible for rebates, and they can help guide you through the rebate application process.

Account managers for commercial, industrial and business customers

Electricity technical advisors

If you’re planning a new construction project or major upgrades to an existing facility, talk to the electricity technical advisor in your area at the beginning of your project.

Account managers for commercial, industrial and business customers

Corporate offices

Corporate sustainability, charitable programs, school programs and regulatory affairs

Natural gas head office


FortisBC Energy Inc.
16705 Fraser Highway
Surrey, BC V4N 0E8

Electricity head office


FortisBC - Electricity
#300 - 750 Vaughan Ave
Kelowna, BC V1Y 7E4

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