Making rental properties better for tenants and landlords
November 15, 2016
Bill Henderson, a partner with Carlisle Management Inc., an investor-owned rental property management company, knows the importance of maintaining company assets—not only for investor growth, but also tenant comfort. As Bill says, “these are people’s homes and keeping the building well-maintained is a top priority.”
That’s why the Rental Apartment Efficiency Program was a perfect fit for Sherwood Park, a 29-unit building the company owns in Chilliwack. Not only were all the suites upgraded with water-efficient fixtures, the building also underwent an energy evaluation performed by a professional engineer, all at no cost.
A boiler replacement was recommended in the evaluation and because the program also provided a third party consultant to design and commission it, Henderson didn’t hesitate to upgrade. Adding to that, the new high-efficiency boiler qualified for a $5,900 rebate.
As Henderson says, “why wouldn’t a landlord want to participate? You improve tenant comfort, reduce energy and water costs and increase the value of your investment.”