Connected thermostat rebates – income qualified

A connected thermostat can be programmed to automatically turn down the temperature when you’re out, or asleep, helping you save money on heating and cooling costs. We've got rebates of up to $200 on select thermostats, to help you save energy and money.

Rebates for thermostats installed by a contractor

If you’re installing a central heating system (boiler, furnace and/or heat pump), you can apply for a rebate of up to $200 on the installation of a new connected thermostat.

Type Rebate1 Limit

Connected thermostats

  1. You, the applicant, must be either:
    • a residential FortisBC gas customer with only one active residential gas account, making the upgrade at your primary residence and/or;
    • a residential FortisBC or municipal electricity account of Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro with only one active residential electricity account, making the upgrade at your primary residence.
  2. The registered homeowner(s) to the primary residence  must be listed on the active residential FortisBC account and own only one property in British Columbia.
  1. Your combined annual household income (from all sources) must be below the maximum shown for your household size.  Proof of income is required.

Household size and maximum household income

Household sizeMaximum household income

1 person


2 people


3 people


4 people


5 people


6 people


7 or more people


  1. The home must be a year-round primary residence that is at least 10 years old, no larger than 3,500 square feet and be one of the following: single-family, duplex, triplex, row home, townhouse or manufactured/mobile home on a permanent foundation.
  2. Applications must be submitted within one year of the invoice date. The rebate cannot exceed the paid cost on the invoice. Rebates cannot exceed the paid cost on the invoice.
  3. Only one connected thermostat rebate per home, and it must be connected to the home’s primary space heating system.1 The primary space heating system's energy source must be provided by FortisBC, Summerland, Penticton, Nelson or Grand Forks.
  4. To be eligible for the connected thermostat rebate, the qualifying thermostat must have been installed by a Technical Safety BC licensed contractor with a GST number and a valid B.C. business license at the same time as the new heating system is installed or as part of a maintenance program for your heating system. Self-installations are not eligible.

1A primary space heating system is a furnace, boiler, combination system or an air source heat pump. Gas fireplaces are considered secondary space heating systems. Not applicable for baseboard heating.

Review terms and conditions

  1. If you wish, request a pre-qualification code. This will help the contractor installing your system know if you're eligible for the Income Qualified Program.
  1. Review the terms and conditions
  1. Ensure you've purchased an eligible connected thermostat and have it installed by a Technical Safety BC licensed gas contractor with a valid GST number. You can find a contractor by searching our online directory.
  1. Apply online within one year of the invoice date along with the following information:
    • your email address
    • your proof of income
    • a scanned copy of your paid invoice showing the details of all work performed including:
      • the purchase date
      • make and model number
      • cost of thermostat and installation
  1. Applications may take up to 90 days to process.

Note: the rebate application link below takes you to Account login. Once you've registered and/or logged in you can start your rebate application. Hint: we recommend using Google Chrome® for the best experience.

For more tips on using the online rebate application, read our how-to guide.

How do I show proof of income?

Submit a copy of one of the following for each member of your household over 18 years of age. 

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA): submit a copy of your NOA from the Canada Revenue Agency for a current income tax return. Black out all information except for your name, effective date and income (line 15000 on NOA).
  • Social Assistance: submit your monthly cheque stub, or a printed copy of your Confirmation of Assistance if registered for My Self Serve.
  • Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER): submit either your SAFER cheque stub, acknowledgment letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • Rental Assistance Program: submit your Rental Assistance Program acknowledgment or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • National Child Benefit Supplement: submit your benefit notice from Canada Revenue Agency.
  • Other income: if applicable, provide documentation of foreign, rental and/or other income.
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS): submit your GIS notice.

How to get your Notice of Assessment

  • The NOA is the document Canada Revenue Agency sends you after filing your tax return. If you have your most current NOA, send us a copy with your application.
  • If you do not have your NOA, use Canada Revenue Agency’s My Account service to view and print a copy of your information.
  • You can also call them to request your NOA at 1-800-959-8281. Agents are available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

More ways to save: the Power Hours Rewards Program

Interested in earning financial rewards by reducing your electricity use during peak-demand periods? The Power Hours Rewards Program encourages our residential electricity customers to sign up and participate in power hour events where they can reduce their energy use by having their thermostat turned down or up (depending on the season), and/or by not charging their EV during peak-demand periods.

Learn more and apply to the Power Hours Rewards Program.

We're here to help

If you have questions about these rebates, contact us online or call us at 1-855-909-2329.

1Rebate amount will be deducted after applicable taxes. Conditions apply and program may be modified or be cancelled at any time.